Saturday 7 May 2011

Pique Me

You'd expect it to happen
Not in the open, but in a shower, perhaps,
Where boys and beauty settle down together
As seed does to soul, water to skin, silently,
Without ceremony, under one's very breath
Boys are too beautiful to let live
I get randy just thinking it
I cannot tell exactly how it starts
As though moments before I am overcome
By some devilish scheme: a puppet
With strings for life. My heart rushes
Up my throat, poised as though ready to burst
In my mouth. My eyes smear everything a brilliant
Crimson and I see the screeching of skin
Feel the music of bones snapping in my hands
Or grinding against my teeth
Or sometimes I just swish a blade, and push it
Through an artery wound like rope around a neck
Squirting, a bloody rainbow opens like a fan
People around see and are struck simply
By such murderousness, like the old woman
In church, who bequeathed tissue paper
To wipe my lusty face with. I bring my own
Thank you, twirled softly around a kitchen knife
I am possessed of so much love
Enough for all those boys to stay warm in
Instead, the bloodbath is always cold and sweet
But even I am growing tired of this constancy
And end up asking boy after butchered boy
Having killed countlessly
Did I really possess you all?

*Ah don't you just LOVE life and all its perplexities. You meet a lovely lady, quite intriguing, she offers herself...very tell yourself she has the softest looking pair of tits you have ever seen...but of course, she is quite more than ample set of bosoms...she move slightly closer to give her a kiss and you turned your back and make a mental note that you have been the dumbest of all fuckwits really should consider drunk driving...

How a bout a really lovely man. You know you are doomed the moment you saw him. And the man isn't just capable of making himself adorable, the man is also funny and isn't living under a rock for centuries...after a couple of conversations with him you realized he is not just a man...he is a fuck worthy man...God, you wish he would refrain from talking cause you are starting to run a rated R movie in your head...but should stop yourself since you were, and still are, a poster girl for refined, poised and chaste Catholic girl. But you cant help yourself since the last time you did the unthinkable was three years ago (August 28, 2006) and you want to conk your head each time you were reminded of it...telling yourself...ah well, i know why it is called the forbidden fruit! Argh!So you grab that alcohol bottle and force yourself to a cold shower...with the hopes that the pill you just popped is strong enough to knock you out until Christmas.

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