Thursday 11 July 2013

Keep Me Warm With Your Blank Stares

You'd expect it to happen
Not in the open, but in a shower, perhaps,
Where boys and beauty settle down together
As seed does to soul, water to skin, silently,
Without ceremony, under one's very breath
Boys  are too beautiful to let live
I get randy just thinking it
I cannot tell exactly how it starts
As though moments before I am overcome
By some devilish scheme: a puppet
With strings for life. My heart rushes
Up my throat, poised as though ready to burst
In my mouth. My eyes smear everything a brilliant
Crimson and I see the screeching of skin
Feel the music of bones snapping in my hands
Or grinding against my teeth
Or sometimes I just swish a blade, and push it
Through an artery wound like rope around a neck
Squirting, a bloody rainbow opens like a fan
People around see and are struck simply
By such murderousness, like the old woman
In church, who bequeathed tissue paper
To wipe my lusty face with. I bring my own
Thank you, twirled softly around a kitchen knife
I am possessed of so much love
Enough for all those boys to stay warm in
Instead, the bloodbath is always cold and sweet
But even I am growing tired of this constancy
And end up asking boy after butchered boy
Having killed countlessly

Did I really possess you all?

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